Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cowgirl at heart and Popsicle Party

Sorry about not writing yesterday. I really am trying to document the days and what not. I was just very busy. See, one way I keep her dressed is by selling her old stuff. I do this by selling to friends, the buy sell trade board full of other clothing obsessed Mom's, ebay and consignment sales. I am good at buying low and selling high, so really, you must know that it really doesn't cost me money to dress her. I know, it sounds crazy. Did I mention the dress I bought for .50c and sold for $17.50 just last week?

Anyway, I was busy with the sale. If you volunteer you get the cost to be in the sale waived and you get to shop first. I was very good and only bought books. I have been going a little crazy on ebay and BST lately and you should see what I have in 2t for her. I do know that I will be able to sell everything I bought for more than I paid for it so it is all good.

I am going to be very busy with the sale on Saturday too so Sunday will probably be a double dose like today.

Yesterday Girly wore a dress from the Cowgirl at Heart line from Gymboree. Right now she is into this play dough set. She doesn't like to play with the dough, she just liked to take everything out and put it back in again and repeat for a 1/2 hour or so.

Today she wore this dress from the Popsicle Party line from Gymboree.

Look, a wall!

1 comment:

  1. The purple is a great colour, but wow, I love how the popsicle party dress hangs on her! And as always, love that beautiful smile ^^
